Thursday, October 19, 2006

Windows -> Dapper -> Edgy

I work currently for a two letter, printer associated, acronym. The PC on my desktop came with Windows XP pre-installed on it, and MS Office 2003 or whatever. Thanks to the liveCD of gParted I was able to shrink the ntfs partition mit no trouble. Make sure you read a guide on this if you're feeling adventureful.

With the free space I put Ubuntu Linux 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) on it. Since nearly everyone else in the office are using Outlook to connect to the MS Exchange server, I found I needed an equivalent. Evolution, an email client on Dapper should have done the trick. Sadly it is amazingly unstable for free open source software. I had been seeing a lot of people recommending the next version of Evolution.

The next version of Evolution is provided on the next version of Ubuntu, 6.10 (Edgy Eft.) So since this next version goes stable on the 26th October, I thought I'd bite the bullet and upgrade now. This went less than super smooth. See this forum post. However, (my english teacher would kill me for that,) after following fix instructions it all seems pretty damn stable.

Hats off to Edgy!

1 comment:

Ian said...

Sadly evolution still sucks a bunch of memory and spawns about 50 processes and doesn't kill them off.

I moved over to Thunderbird using IMAP and SMTP.